calling any one from missouri

I am in St. Louis city. We have had the ice and sleet. still sleeting, I wish it would turn to snow, that is better than ice.
I went out and my 6 girls laid 4 eggs. that is a good day for us. They were able to get out yesterday, so they must have been happy.
I brought them treats and they looked good.
70 is closed over three counties, boone and two others. MODOT said it was too dangerous to clear. wow.

stay warm.
Michigan TP, we have more like 12" now. I was wondering if it really was going to all miss you when you were so close here. Still snowing but not as hard and blowing like the devil is behind it!
ruthless, PLEASE keep that white stuff over there. I have no use for it. We have enough in the drifts since I have to shovel out the back door to go down to the chicken house and have to shovel to get into the chicken house. I feel sorry for you all over there since you all have so much **ow. WHEN is this supposed to stop!!!!! Thought I moved down here from MI to get away from all this stuff. LOL Stay in and stay warm.
Well I hate to tell you but if yours turns into anything like ours just south of kansas city??? Batten down the hatches! We had nothin till this morning and the BAMMMM it hit about 7:30 this morning and now at 530 we have about 18 inches on the ground and still coming!! Its a Snownami! they just said that sedalia would have 21 inches

Just came in from checking on the "girls" and it was up to my knees in the drifts. Can't really say how much we have but seems like you all up there north of us get hit the hardest and often. Glad I am down here but wish it were a bit WARMER!! LOL Don't envy anyone who has more than I do **ow wise. Estes hatchery postponed my order from this Wednesday to the 16th so guess I don't have to worry about any problems. Stay in and stay warm.
We're in Polk county. The news says we got 18 inches and 6 more coming tonight but we passed 20 inches earlier today with drifts, well, waist deep in spots. The real bite comes the next few days when the temp drops to -6 degrees...........
Went out to give food scraps and we are averaging 15 inches as of two hours ago and its still snowing. News said I-70 across the whole state is closed and could be for 4 days. We aren't budging. My husband was stir crazy and tried to plow our road but didn't accomplish much. He says he doesn't know how long it will take just to get us out of the driveway. And if he plows too much, it gets down to the ice layer. I don't know where road crews will put all the snow once it finishes and stops blowing. And to put icing on the cake- there is more snow in the forecast for the weekend. We may be in school til July.

Nothing to do but sit back and read a good book.
We ended up with well over 20 inches. it drifted up to 3 ft around the house in spots. It's gorgeous this morning but I haven't gone outside yet, getting ready to go out and water everyone. I considered those heating pads that go under the waterers but I go out to check on them frequently enough that I just bring fresh, tepid water every time I go out and they drink their fill then. The surgery center where I work closed and may be closed tomorrow as well but I'm betting I'll be going in Thursday and I talked to my supervisor last night and we may open a couple of Saturdays to get caught up so our patients don't get bumped back so long.

Here is a picture out my back window that I just snapped


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