calling any one from missouri

He could get a train from KC also. What part of St. Louis are you in?

The worst just missed us.
I'm holding eggs afraid that once put in the incubator we'll lose power.

I've had 5.5 inches of rain in the last week. Going through a lot of straw in the runs trying to keep the eggs clean.
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I think I saw some of Craigslist and I saw chicks at TSC. Good luck!

What town was it. I cant seem to find it.

It would have been either Independence, 23rd and 291 or Lee's Summit. Sorry it took so long to respond... Any luck finding them?
Good news and bad news. Went to the chicken house this morning and there were 3 new bantam feather footed chicks in the cage with my cochin. Bad news- my son went out 10 minutes later and there was only 1 left. My stupid, mean, nasty laying hens pecked into the cage with the babies and pulled out, through small openings, two of the new chicks and killed them. I AM SO MAD! I really thought I had them safely tucked away. We quickly moved mama and baby to a new, safer location away from all other birds. Then we went to the store and bought two more chicks so that the one would not be lonely. And there is one more trying to pip. Lesson learned the hard way. But mama chicken is so proud of her new babies. Yeah!

I also have new kittens. They are a week old today. It must be spring.

We did some shuffling of birds today. With all this rain, our gorgeous golden phoenix's tail feathers are getting gunky in the mud. So we put all feather footed birds and long tailed birds in the chicken tractor. It has a straw floor so they should be able to grow out their feathers, whether on feet or tail.
Hello! I'm living in Missouri (Defiance, to be exact which is south west of St. Louis)-originally from Southern Indiana.

I didn't want to read through the entire 237 pages of this post, so I'll start at the end.

As far as the storms, New Melle is about 5 minutes from where we live! So it was definitely scary last night, though we had no damage whatsover. Very thankful for that.

I am a new chicken mama, just got our first seven on 4/15 (3 BRs, 2 RIR, 2 EE), and lost one BR the following morning to what I think was pasty butt.
Very sad. We went out the same day and got another BR to replace little Missy (even though I didn't name her until after death, I didn't want to bury her without a name). Today I convinced the man-friend that we needed to get some more chick feed, even though we didn't, and we ended up with another little girl, probably a black sex-link, to replace one of the BRs who is probably a roo-though we're keeping him, just needed to replace that pullet spot, right? I'm sure I'll end up with a few more due to chicken math, but I'm trying to keep it tame.

So there's my story! Looking forward to hopefully talking to some more peeps in the area!
Could someone PLEASE help this nervous momma to be?
I have 5 eggs in the incubator and they were supposed to hatch tonight or tomorrow. They are starting as of 2:00 this afternoon. I have three I can tell rather well that they are pipping. One has a rather nice size hole with the shell off more than the membrane. My question is: if the membrane dries out, won't it stick to the chick and kill it? Do I panic and help it although I have read that some take up to 48 hours after the first break. Just worried that the membrane will get to dry although the humidity if about 90. I have one of the mini eco's and hatched three eggs out of 7 about 2 months ago. I can't remember how long that first one took to come out and one died fully developed with a small hole in the shell. PLEASE tell me that it will live and will take a little longer to come out and this is all in my head. OH guess I should say that the membrane is NOT separated from the shell except where the chick pipped it out and the shell went flying. THANK YOU!!!!
What town was it. I cant seem to find it.

It would have been either Independence, 23rd and 291 or Lee's Summit. Sorry it took so long to respond... Any luck finding them?

No I havent found anything. Weird!
It would have been either Independence, 23rd and 291 or Lee's Summit. Sorry it took so long to respond... Any luck finding them?

No I havent found anything. Weird!

I found it! But they sold them yesterday!
I have only hatched from an incubator once so I don't have a lot of experience. I do remember that my lockdown humidity was only 75 but I had a different type. Why don't you post in the hatching eggs section. I know you would get a quick answer there. Please let me know how it goes and good luck!

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