calling any one from missouri

I would definitely use Craigslist.
People like pictures and info.
Rather than just saying "chicks for sale $5" - post pics and explain about the LaFleche in detail, explain how they've been fed and cared for. People don't buy the unknown.

I have lots of success doing that.
I have some very nice Black Penedesencas for sale that are 8 weeks old. My local chicken buddies that were going to split them with me renegged after I got them and have more than I have room for.
I did as you suggested but there is a glut of chicks on Craigslist right now. Would be my luck that every chicken owner in Kansas City overhatched the year I did. LOL I remember a few years ago when NO ONE had them. I only found some at Orchelands in Kearney. I kept advertising to buy chickens til someone felt sorry for me and sold me some of her old raggedy hens. LOL

I will probably take them to the Kingsville Auction and get what I can get! Maybe I'll get lucky!


All this talk of too many chickjs! Pffffft! You wanna see too many come to my house! Wife says there are over 1000! Oh I wish I had turned off he incubator. Yall better duck and cover again, storms forming around tulsa and headed your way!
Hope you get rid of your chicks! Sorry you've had a hard time job wise... I know what that can be like... In fact I'm fearful that the worst is not over.

I wish I could drive over and get some LaFleche from you. That would be cool. I like the look of those chickens.
I hear you all concerning the rain. I'm fed up with the mud! Dirty hen feet makes for dirty eggs, and our driveway is just about beyond driveable. It's on a steep, winding hill and just washes out. Also I guess the dogs were not interested in guarding last night and slept through the pouring rain. Well, a fox or whatever it was WASN'T sleeping and tore into a run. He made off with 2 B.O. hens and a little mix who was a pet.

I'm thinking its time to play granny off Beverly Hillbillies and sit out there with the shot gun!
If you can get eggs from Kathy in Nevada. I think she is kathyinmo on here. She is awesome! Look on the Delaware picture post. I will have eggs but mine are just at phase 1 of the breeding process. Kathy is MUCH further along in bringing hers up to standard.

Thanks for the reply. Kathyinmio did not have any but she gave me the name of another BYCr and she has been in touch. Hopefully Deleware eggs on Thursday!!

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