calling any one from missouri

what's kickin´chicken :

rain rain go away ....... come back some other day................................ like in July or Aug.


I agree!​
wow a whole day of sun

hubby is mowing the jungle formally known as our lawn.

Hatched 12 LT sussex , 2 buff laced polish, a silver laced polish, an EE silkie cross ( adorable ) and some more orp x cochin chicks

I have gold laced and silver laced wynadottes pipping now,
seramas, silkies, polish, self blue oegbs next

blrw next week
It was a nice day, but I was stuck in the car and at the doctors office, no fun

Im jealous! I LOVE self blue oegbs!!!!

My hubby needs to mow our jungle looks pretty scary out there
well you must have been one of the lucky ones today Muddyhorse! You had sunshine and chicks born!
I am so jealous!
We had nothing but clouds here and mist and sprinkles of rain.

I do have chicks hatching in two weeks.

Congrats on the babies!
Something must be wrong with me. I finally took the time to count how many chickens we have- drum roll please---- 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is way too many. Told the boys we are going to have to downsize soon. I can't get rid of the laying hens cause they are the only ones that even remotely pay their own way. And of course we have the 4-H birds and our favorite birds. So we have decided to get rid of our Aracauna/BB Red hen, a phoenix pair, and two roos. It's a start. Now the problem is actually getting rid of them without giving them away. A friend told me about an auction that happens every third Saturday with the Amish. I may decide to go there and see if I can get anything for them. I have tried to sell them on Craig's list but no luck. I hate the idea of killing them but I have to downsize. They are eating way too much. And come winter, that's too many in one pen. Right now we have them in 3 but only one has electricity. OMG, what to do.......

Is there a cure for this??????????????????????

Missy when you find the cure let me know because I need it too!

have you tried the BYC auction pages? Put in there they are for pick up only. Just a thought. I am always looking in there. I have yet to buy adult birds but do buy a lot of eggs on there.
davony's chicks :


Missy when you find the cure let me know because I need it too!

have you tried the BYC auction pages? Put in there they are for pick up only. Just a thought. I am always looking in there. I have yet to buy adult birds but do buy a lot of eggs on there.

Let me know how the auction goes and where it is!!! I have tons that need a new home too!!!!​
I am in NW MO and am interested in getting a couple different hens to add to my 6 chickens, I think I have 4 hens and 2 roosters. I will post pics soon to verify lol, I am just getting back into chickens after years of being chick free lol

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