calling any one from missouri

I have no words...............
here we go again more storms.

yesterday I finally got the anti bird netting up in the serama pen. I put it on the inside of the dog kennel panels so the seramas can not walk through the chain link.

I have more hatching today

is anybody going to waterloo IL swap this Sunday usually 200-250 sellers. the gates open at 5:30 am be in line by 4:30
we got lucky here last night, tornados went south and east of us first, then they went north and west.

lost power sometime early and still not back on this morning.

several people killed in western and central okla., but could have been much worse.

econo61 had some damage, but not to bad at all.

people here will whine about loosing power for a couple of days, or for getting hail damage on their car. i do realy want to slap them sometimes, but then i just point out that we could have gotten hit like the joplin area did.

we dont know how lucky we realy are, stuff is easily replaced usually, freinds and family arent.

i am not what you would call "religious", but i do pray for people in tragedies like the joplin area.

i gave my son and his partners names and addresses of the people i know, hopefully they will be alright and we hear from them soon.
during the middle of the night, while watching Springfield news, they said an entire town was wiped off the map in Arkansas! Now I have watched the 8:30 a.m. and noon news and heard nothing more??? Has anyone heard how they are doing in Arkansas? We are under severe storms right now but the tornado warnings are now in the Benton, Camden and Laclede counties. Be safe!!

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