calling any one from missouri

Hey thanks! yeah, I moved them up to my avatar as I don't know how to upload photos into threads.
Muscovoys! Woohooo! Cool! Supposed to have a drake and 6 females, maybe, they were juvies. How they've grown the last months! Haven't seen them flying yet. When they mosey along it's waddle waddle waddle with tails a waggling. When they are moving out running the wings are flapping as they go. It's a hoot.
Hey! My first batch of raised from day olds have started laying!!!!!!! Woohoooo!
Chicken math bit me. Ended up with several different large breeds and haven't seperated them for any pure breedings - next year I'll give that a go and give incubating a try. Have RIR, Amera/EE's, SLW, CCM, BR's, SLW, BA's and some buffs and sex link girls. The 9 guineas are doing good Royals, Lav and Pied. Just being able to sex the turkeys and looks like I got lucky with both hens and jakes for Royals, Slates and Naraggansets. And I have ducks! Not sure what kind of ducks, likely a mix so if anyone wants to take a stab at guessing...

All of my chicks have started laying too. Yesterday I got 10 eggs from 10 pullets for the first time. I didn't get that many today and it's possible that my youngest pullet has been laying but until I got 10 eggs, I wasn't positive.
Like you, I have several breeds (see below if interested). I kept an EE roo so I might try hatching EE eggs next year (one blue egg layer this year who knows?). I just butchered my first (and last) roosters. If possible, I think I'd rather pay someone else to do the job because I don't have sharp enough knives (first couldn't find jugular so I botched the actual killing job, then trying to open him up to remove innards). We did eat one tonight, not much left over so I guess he was good. LOL
Get a scalpel. Hang 'em from feet over lined trash can. Once throat cut allow deeper in can as the dark will quiet them and they'll pass on more peacefully.

Did the ax and trussed up way on my meat birds. By far better to go scalpel rout. They were real tasty tho....

Have 2 main age batches on the chickens - 4-6weeks age difference. So about the time all the first batch are laying the second should start up. I've 39 chickens with 8 of those roos (as I said chicken math...) . Next year I'll split breeds into runs so I'll have chicks and hatching eggs. Main coop is just for eating eggs, sex links and RIR's.
Hello Everyone! I am from Northwest Missouri and I am looking for a few Araucanas, Americanas, or easter eggers. Does someone in the St. Joseph area have any for sale?
Hi, have any of you gone to the Missouri State Poultry Show & Swap Meet that is held in October at the fair grounds in Sedalia. I would like to go this year, but don't really know what to expect. Do they have some to sell outright or is it swap only? I'm hoping to find some Orphington's that I can add to my flock.
Hey has anybody got any white silkies in the Fort Leonardwood area? Guy I do some swapping with is looking for some.
He's got a mixed bag of different ducks (7) he'd sell for $30 or do some swapping.

Sedalia is a bit far from me so wondering if there are any upcomming swap meets closer here that anyone knows about?
Hello Everyone! I am from Northwest Missouri and I am looking for a few Araucanas, Americanas, or easter eggers. Does someone in the St. Joseph area have any for sale?
I raise true Araucana's but they're probably more expensive than you would want to pay if you're just wanting colored eggs. I just sold a couple of 6 month old pullets for $117 that I shipped out to Louisiana yesterday. I have some nice cockerels for sale now and may have a couple of hens

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