Calling goat experts! Need opinion!

Look. Either she is pregnant or she isn't. I am betting she is. In any event there isn't a lot you can do about it at this point. If it makes you feel any better I once had a kid get bred at three months. I'm not proud of it but it happened, I named the baby Yoletta's Surprise because Yoletta was not the only one who was surprised. In this case I did not milk Yoletta that year because she was so young when she kidded. She was not quite eight months. Both goats eventually matured into nice big does. You want to feed this doe all the hay she will eat and I would feed some grain too. You want her to have enough nutrition to support both her and the growing fetus but you don't want her to get fat, either. I didn't look at the picture as closely as I should have, but udder development starts when they are about three months along.
That's actually a huge relief to hear. I'm just so nervous that she's further along than I realize and that I'm going to overlook giving her some care that she may need. She def has had a noticeable change in her appetite.
When I first got my die she was 8 or 9 months and gave birth about 3 to 4 weeks after I got her. My goat was underweight and her udder growth was not until later. Unfortunately her baby died but I agree, definitely do a comparison.

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