Calls and Cayugas 2020

Clean water!
Better look fast it won't be that way long.
Omg how many eggs are under all those nutters?
No clue 😂
How many do your ladies typically hatch out in a season?
This will be my first spring having this many females. So I suppose we shall see.
:pop most of these girls are first-timers too.
I have just kind of let them do what they want.
I am probably going to regret that when I have more ducklings then I have space for. 😂
But I had a whole lot of people contacting me wanting them last summer and fall and one person bought every single one I would spare to get rid of.
So hopefully I will have some customers for these.
No clue 😂

This will be my first spring having this many females. So I suppose we shall see.
:pop most of these girls are first-timers too.
I have just kind of let them do what they want.
I am probably going to regret that when I have more ducklings then I have space for. 😂
But I had a whole lot of people contacting me wanting them last summer and fall and one person bought every single one I would spare to get rid of.
So hopefully I will have some customers for these.
I'm peeing in my pants.

I cannot wait to see how many each duck hatches out.
I bet they're each sitting on 10 eggs.
I'm peeing in my pants.

I cannot wait to see how many each duck hatches out.
I bet they're each sitting on 10 eggs.
Oh I'm sure there's at least 10 under most of them.
I bet Sophie has 14 or 15! She is an extreme broody I tell you what.
She builds that nest up like none other.. everyday it's just taller and taller 🤣
Oh I'm sure there's at least 10 under most of them.
I bet Sophie has 14 or 15! She is an extreme broody I tell you what.
She builds that nest up like none other.. everyday it's just taller and taller 🤣
I have one like this. She's insane. She's in there somewhere.

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