Calls and Cayugas 2020

Just ordered my first six call ducklings from purely poultry about two weeks ago! After reading this thread for the past two hours, I am beyond excited for my little ones to arrive. Any suggestions for a first time call mamma? Thanks :)
Hummm let me think.
Have you had ducks before?
for the most part they aren't much different than any other duck just smaller scale.
Those tiny babies can fit through a 1 inch hole. Holy crow you got to watch out for that until they get a little bigger.
Also be careful of any water sources you have around that they could drown in until they start getting big enough to get back out and their oil glands start working.
Those little things can jump!
I have had them jump into water bowls that I did not think they would be able to get into. Plus they can chill pretty quickly because they're so tiny.
Babies hatched by a mama duck will have her oil on their down helping them to be waterproof unlike ducklings you will be brooding yourself.
Your'e the best thank you so much- that is all so helpful!! Yes, I have lots of experience with pekin, khakis, and mallards but I wanted to give a more "premium" breed a try! I have two medium sized swimming pools in my outdoor coop but am a bit worried about the calls because they are so tiny! What age do you suggest putting them outside?

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