Calls and Cayugas 2020

Your'e the best thank you so much- that is all so helpful!! Yes, I have lots of experience with pekin, khakis, and mallards but I wanted to give a more "premium" breed a try! I have two medium sized swimming pools in my outdoor coop but am a bit worried about the calls because they are so tiny! What age do you suggest putting them outside?
They are a lot tougher than you would think really.
Kind of depends on the weather.
I have kicked some of mine out as early as 4 weeks if it was warm out but my duck palace has a roof so they would not be getting soaking wet with any rain or anyting.
Typically it's like any other duckling by about 5 to 6 weeks they have their feathers and you can kick their butts out. 😂
Bad day at the duck palace.
All of Sofie ducks babies are dead.
Two dead in the pool, one dead beside the pool, three eggs under her still that had almost finished hatching and quit.
No clue what happened for sure. There was a big thunder storm last night perhaps they all got shaken up and caused them to all scatter and go nuts?
Maybe they left the nest without mama and she stayed with the unhatched eggs and the other ducks bullied them?
Ivy's 5 are still fine. They've had no issues jumping in and out of the pool.
Next up to hatch is Remi. It Looked like she had one with an external pip. I moved her and her nest into a dog kennel to be safe so hopefully nothing will happen to them. Maizee only had 2 viable eggs that looked the same stage as Dixies.
I put her two good eggs under Dixie and tossed the bad ones. Maizee actually seemed happy to be relieved of the headache.
So current broody count is 4. Remi is in the lead. Next should be Thea, then Dixie, and now Trixie is on a nest where Ivy hatched hers. No development in those yet so she has just started sitting.
I gathered all the other fresh eggs (16 of them) before anyone else gets any big ideas. I think I'll fire up the incubator and give it a shot.
gorgeous birds. Do you or would you sell either hatching eggs or ducklings. I hope to finish my set up for ducks this summer and be ready for some ducklings next summer hopefull. And calls and cauyugas just happen to be the two breeds I had decided on. To me they have the perfect proportions for ducks. anyway haven't found any close and I hate to order live birds mail order. And last I checked Cackle hatchery doesn't sell calls. meanwhile I could watch duckies playing in water all day long.
Bad day at the duck palace.
All of Sofie ducks babies are dead.
Two dead in the pool, one dead beside the pool, three eggs under her still that had almost finished hatching and quit.
No clue what happened for sure. There was a big thunder storm last night perhaps they all got shaken up and caused them to all scatter and go nuts?
Maybe they left the nest without mama and she stayed with the unhatched eggs and the other ducks bullied them?
Ivy's 5 are still fine. They've had no issues jumping in and out of the pool.
Next up to hatch is Remi. It Looked like she had one with an external pip. I moved her and her nest into a dog kennel to be safe so hopefully nothing will happen to them. Maizee only had 2 viable eggs that looked the same stage as Dixies.
I put her two good eggs under Dixie and tossed the bad ones. Maizee actually seemed happy to be relieved of the headache.
Oh, no! Poor littles. How is mama bird holding up?
So current broody count is 4. Remi is in the lead. Next should be Thea, then Dixie, and now Trixie is on a nest where Ivy hatched hers. No development in those yet so she has just started sitting.
I gathered all the other fresh eggs (16 of them) before anyone else gets any big ideas. I think I'll fire up the incubator and give it a shot.
I have 3 sitting. Yoshimi (grey), Bambi (blue fawn), and Princess Buttercup (butterscotch mix).
7 more Buttercup eggs in the incubator due to hatch next weekend.

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