Campine Chicken thread?

In my experience with the Campine. I have noticed that the females seem to moss out easily. Guessing by the color that is expressed on the pullets I would say that she is pure Brakel, but due to poor selection has lost the ability to keep the barring as crips in her older years. I notice your male seems to have a yellow tent as well this could explain some of the loss of barring as well. As a breeder that has delt with similar breeder birds, I recommend hatching a lot of birds and cull based on color. You should see improvement. I started with goldens that had silver blood in them and after close selection I have eliminated a great deal of the mossiness out of my line.
Thank you for your advices, buttrampoultry, i really appreciate it.

P.S. It does rhyme with tackle....
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Thanks everyone!!!

Wisher, if you ever come to Portugal, i'll happily offer you a dozen eggs, although i think they'll never make to the US in good conditions....
I did some checking and they are not recognized by the American Poultry Association. If they were, I would be chomping at the bit to get some. I did find out that Greenfire Farm imported some a few years ago, sold a few, then lost their flock to a bobcat. So, there are a few here in the US, but they are even more rare than the Silver Campines. Do you have or know of anyone that has the Golden Brakel?
Yes, Wisher, there are some breeders here in Portugal, but the silver is more common. They are also very beautiful, when i have the room for them i'll probably try to get a couple too. The campines are only recognized in the UK, here in europe, all the other countries "have" brakels.
More pictures from my belgian family, and i thinks that's enough now..... It's just that they are so photogenic....

the mother hen looks a lot like two chickens my dad used to have in the eighties, they were also of uncertain Brakel descent
they were also greyish and more laced in the feathers, beautiful birds they were

btw ... the 'a' in Brakel is pronounced like the 'a' in waffle, just to keep it a bit more belgian ;)

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