Campine Chicken thread?

Getting closer!
Lovely. I'm loving my birds. One of the cockerels is clearly better than the other, but they are both beautiful and since they are still getting along with the whole flock, they both get to stay. The girls are delightful. I don't know why everyone doesn't raise Campines.
Hello! One of the first breeds I had when I got my flock was an old Golden Campine hen with Glaucoma, and he could not see a think. She was my favorite until a raccoon got her. I might breed chickens for 4-H, and I think if I did I would chose Golden Campines.
I've talk about my Soly girl on here being crazy! She crows, fights, beats on the new girls, hated the coop and would only roost in trees at night and didn't lay an egg until over 8months old but it's all changed!!! She laid her first egg 2 weeks ago and is a daily layer of beautiful little cream eggs in the nest box!!! She loves the coop, stopped crowing, is slow and patient with us and leads the girls to bed in the coop!
She's amazing now that she's not a teen. Best chicken we've ever had!
Last weekend, at the Ohio Nationals in Columbus, there were 25 Campines entered. I took 10 Silvers and the rest were Goldens. I believe that has to be some kind of record! Best of breed was a Golden cockerel. That is not suprising, since overall, the Goldens are bred by a few more people and their numbers have been higher over the last fifty years or so than those of the Silvers. Reserve of Breed was awarded to one of my pullets! I was thrilled! We put on a great display and got a lot of positive exposure and feedback on our birds.
Wait a minute, if there are no pictures, it didn't happen.....................
THis wasn't my post originally, but these guys are also from your eggs @Wisher1000

This one has some black specks in the white, but the other one has better coloration. They are both lovely boys, and I don't want to get rid of either of them. The first two pictures are the same cockerel (10 months old).

This guy has clearer white:

Both have some solid black feathers in the tail. The little gold at the bottom is the only gold I got from the eggs (you sent 20, 14 hatched, 3 cockerels - one cockerel and 3 pullets sold last spring when they were younger).

They are beautiful birds. My favorite is one little pullet that always comes in the coop when I clean to "snoopervise" my work. Her name is Cathy (chatty cathy). She talks to me constantly to keep me company. I've left her legband on so I don't accidentally sell her. They are so similar that it is hard to tell them apart. The girls are in the middle of an adolescent molt, so they have stopped laying, but their eggs were just hitting 50g when they stopped here a couple of weeks ago.

I guess the thing I love about them most is their sociability. I know some people say Campines are flighty, but that hasn't been my experience. Yes they fly (and how they fly), and once in a while one will get out of the yard accidentally, but they come right back over the fence. I think they like it here. The 9 of them live with 15 English Orpingtons that are 3x their size, but they hold their own, and they have their own (higher) roost in the coop.

I'm looking forward to lots of white eggs in the spring when they start laying again. With our short days, it will be a while, but I can wait. Thanks again for the eggs.
Wait a minute, if there are no pictures, it didn't happen.....................
THis wasn't my post originally, but these guys are also from your eggs @Wisher1000

This one has some black specks in the white, but the other one has better coloration. They are both lovely boys, and I don't want to get rid of either of them. The first two pictures are the same cockerel (10 months old).

This guy has clearer white:

Both have some solid black feathers in the tail. The little gold at the bottom is the only gold I got from the eggs (you sent 20, 14 hatched, 3 cockerels - one cockerel and 3 pullets sold last spring when they were younger).

They are beautiful birds. My favorite is one little pullet that always comes in the coop when I clean to "snoopervise" my work. Her name is Cathy (chatty cathy). She talks to me constantly to keep me company. I've left her legband on so I don't accidentally sell her. They are so similar that it is hard to tell them apart. The girls are in the middle of an adolescent molt, so they have stopped laying, but their eggs were just hitting 50g when they stopped here a couple of weeks ago.

I guess the thing I love about them most is their sociability. I know some people say Campines are flighty, but that hasn't been my experience. Yes they fly (and how they fly), and once in a while one will get out of the yard accidentally, but they come right back over the fence. I think they like it here. The 9 of them live with 15 English Orpingtons that are 3x their size, but they hold their own, and they have their own (higher) roost in the coop.

I'm looking forward to lots of white eggs in the spring when they start laying again. With our short days, it will be a while, but I can wait. Thanks again for the eggs.

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