Campine Chicken thread?

Just thought I would post some pictures of my hatchery Campine hen that just hatched some babies. I kept the best pullet from my hatchery Campines last year and culled the rest. I kept her around just so people could see the difference between hatchery Campines and Campines from exhibition lines. She is the first Campine I've ever had to go broody but so far she is doing a good job with her brood. She is raising 5 Golden Campines and 2 Brown Leghorns chicks.


Mine is almost 4 weeks. She was sexed. This time last week she looked exactly the same except for a smaller fact it's probably still smaller. Of the 18 mixed breed chicks I have she was the slowest to feather out...still about a week behind the others.

That's why I was thinking roo, because the comb seems to be kinda big for the age. But I haven't seen a lot of campine chick pics at various ages, so... I'll know for sure with the first crow/egg!

My little guy attempted his first crow today! Earlier than I was expecting, he's only 5 1/2 weeks old, but adorable none the less.
I have two Golden Campines and they are friendly (once you can get ahold of them) but are very nervous/flighty compared to my EE, my EE will not run but give up and let me pick her up while the Golden Campines keep running when I try to catch them but they are not aggressive and are quite pretty
I hope you have fun with them
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It looks like you have a pullet in the first picture. I'm leaning toward roo in 2nd pic. The comb looks like it might be reddening up some, which would indicate a roo this early.
I have two Golden Campines and they are friendly (once you can get ahold of them) but are very nervous/flighty compared to my EE, my EE will not run but give up and let me pick her up while the Golden Campines keep running when I try to catch them but they are not aggressive and are quite pretty
I hope you have fun with them

I have a GC roo, ~ 7 1/2 weeks old, and I really like him. He's always at the front when it's treat time, is gentle when eating out of my hand, has actually flow up on my knee and shoulder before to get a closer look at things, and overall, is just a curious little guy. Granted, he doesn't especially like to be picked up, but he doesn't freak out either, so I wouldn't say he's a cuddler, but I wouldn't call him flighty either. I guess the best way to describe him is liking human contact on his terms.
Too bad I have too many roos!
I know I'm swimming upstream here, but this is my Scout at almost exactly 7 weeks. She lays white eggs and has since she was 21 weeks old. I think your 2nd pic. may be a female based on Scout's development at 7 weeks.


The 2nd pic could definitely be a pullet. But something about the reddening throughout the comb still makes me want to say roo. Give it a couple more weeks and you should have a better idea. I find that most Campines are easy to sex fairly early, but there are always a few at this stage that are difficult to determine. They are pretty birds, by the way. Keep us updated on his/her progress.

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