can a chick pick itself to death?

Autumn Mama

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
British Columbia,
I have a 4 day old chick that I've tried to help with pastey butt. It has had alot of build up, crusted on that was near impossible to remove.

I have most off, however it has a raw bum, and is picking itself constantly, not eating as much or sleeping well.

The raw bum by the way, began yesterday at the Co-Op where the lady that sold them to us, PICKED OFF poop like " a bandaid" as she put it. Ripped it right off, I guess.
I suspect the trouble started there.

I'm sad to possibly lose it, it chirps loudly when it passes poop (which looks normal BTW)

I've put olive oil on it (all I could think of that I had)

What should I do at this point?

It is a sweet little Blue Laced red Wyandotte.
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Maybe a little neosporin or even preparation H to help with the swelling. I've never done this , so maybe somebody with more experience will chime in with some great advice!! Good luck to you!!
I know that a bird can self-mutilate. You'll know this is happening if there are feathers missing everywhere except on the head. Other birds will not discriminate between body and head feathers.

I know that pet supply stores sell a god awful liquid called Bitter Apple. It's supposed to be the most bitter tasting substance on Earth. I would tend to agree...I tasted it myself. Blech.

Good luck with your baby!


Thanks for your replies, my concern with Prep H or Polysporin is their ingestion of it.

I have Aloe Vera Gel (organic) on hand. It is completely safe internally

It's also great for skin: burns, cuts, scrapes.

Would that work? Anyone using it?

I could dip its' bum into a shallow spoonful of it.
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