Can a chicken lay more than one egg a day??

they can, but its generally a blip in the egg system and they normally take the next day off.

It takes roughly 20 hours to produce an egg. And Chickens do have a limited number of eggs inside them.

It is extremely unlikey that a hen will regularly lay more than one a day, most dont lay daily for more than a few months.

I'm pretty sure they more regularly they lay the faster they will 'burn out'
I agree with pixie. They can- but it is a 'blip' in their system. I know for a fact because I had a turkey this past October lay 2 eggs three days in a row. Only till we butchered her soon after, we found that she had 21 eggs inside of her.

I think that is internal laying.
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MY mutt hen that has turned into my very best layer did it when she first started laying. Her first egg in the morning and another late in the afternoon. And she did not lay another until two days later. Since then, she gives at least 5-6 eggs a week. A few times she has laid for 12 days in a row before resting for a day. She is a hard worker!
I have 25 isa browns born june 1st.

I am getting 24 eggs a day on a bad day, 25 most days and 28 in a 24 hour cycle has been the most yet......

I got 26 yesterday, this has been going on for the last 3-4 weeks now, the girls are healthy and happy, suplimenting the light a bit and one 175 IR bulb and insulated 12x8 coop.

The only time I usually get 24 eggs is when I get a double yolker.

I feed them laying crumbles, supliment with oyster shells and lately they have been getting lots of cabbage (end bits from making sourcraut) and some whole wheat crusts(last 2 weeks)

Stangely it has gotten down to -40'C with the windchill and I figured production would go down, not up...
Henry'schickens :

I agree with pixie. They can- but it is a 'blip' in their system. I know for a fact because I had a turkey this past October lay 2 eggs three days in a row. Only till we butchered her soon after, we found that she had 21 eggs inside of her.

I think that is internal laying.


... Were you able to eat them??

Did you butcher her to eat and then found them? or to investigate??​
I only have 7 chickens, but I'm getting 7-8 eggs. During the winter snowstorm, I had 5-6, and today, they still haven't been out in the snow (they refuse) but I got 7 eggs so far. I have a later layer so I'm going out to look now.

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