Can a goose die incubating her nest?**MOVED MOM*

I've got a Pomeranian on a nest. She hasn't touched the food and water I have right next to her nest, but right at sundown, she sneaks all the way across the orchard for a huge drink and a quick snack and then she runs as fast as she can back to the nest.

Because she wasn't touching the food close to the nest, I though she wasn't eating, so I have been tossing succulent green grass and cat food (goose candy) into her nest where she can reach it. She hasn't eaten much of the grass, but she can't resist that cat food.

She will not leave the nest if there is any activity in the area at all, so we have to be careful that she can't see us.

Last night, she was in such a hurry to get back to her nest that she actually flew (sort of). Lots of wing flapping and she got up off the ground a couple of inches for about 10 feet.

I'm not about to try to check her eggs. She is deadly serious about her "no trespassing" attitude concerning her nest. Even the ganders are afraid to get anywhere near her nest.

There has to be a balancing act on weight on the geese. You don't want them too fat to lay, but they have to have enough fat stored to get them through the nesting period.
Wear leather and cover your face and eyes

Take her eggs with you, candle them to see if there are any good ones, and make her a nest in your yard in a predator proof area. Just get a bunch of hay and plop it down against the side of a coop or shed. Put her eggs in it and confine her. She will probably get the picture very soon.

When my goose Lila was refusing to get off her nest (this year she's doing much better), I picked her up and carried her to the kiddie pool. On the way, she expelled about three days worth of poo. It smelled so bad it made my eyes water. I think she even felt lighter afterward

Good luck, you are very good to your geese

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