Can a raccoon get a goose?

I recently lost a Banty hen to a coyote during the day. Grabbed her at a run, never slowed down. She never saw it coming. I only saw it as it disappeared into the woods. When they have young to feed, they get brave
I had a fox do that to my duck. The fox had to cross 1/4 acre of mowed pasture to get to her which is unusual for a fox to come out in the open like that...well I thought so anyway...and the fox came right up to my front step in broad daylight and nabbed her. I was running on its heels and it dropped my duck but she was dead already.
I've been attacked twice by geese. Those white ones with the big orange beak. I'll put my money on the goose. And it hurt. Especially the first time I was in Maui and he/she nailed me right in the groin. You can guess the rest!!!
I've been attacked twice by geese. Those white ones with the big orange beak. I'll put my money on the goose. And it hurt. Especially the first time I was in Maui and he/she nailed me right in the groin. You can guess the rest!!!
Even though I can pick my goose up, in certain circumstances such as in the spring when she is laying eggs, she can make me very nervous because she is protecting her eggs.
Those wings feel like clubs if they hit you! :D

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