Can any one help me with what this could be?

Thanks for pointing that out. Tough to tell like you stated.
I was looking at the hens left foot just above the toes on the leg...looks swollen to me. The right leg looks normal. Does it look like it's swollen to you?
I'm not sure if it does or if it is the camera/foot angle. Her toes seem to be badly turned in on that foot, which may make it look thicker because you are seeing it from a different angle to the other.
Ok, I will get some drops today. And I’ll make her up some scammbled egg this morning... to be honest, I don’t see her eat a lot at all.. unless it’s veggies that I take out to them, then she will have a pick at them. But I don’t see her at the feeder regularly.
Think I’ve really noticed the difference in her after picking all our hens up and treating them for scaly leg, and dusting them... when I picked her up she just feels so thin. I’ll take some photos of her in a minuet when I let them out.
They are my 3 year old sons pets, so I think maybe the vet.. if nothing else works.. he adores them all. :(
Again thanks for all the advice.
Ok I’ve just been and grabbed her to take photos and I’m now even more worried than I was before!!
I’ve managed to get a photo of her thigh, I didn’t have anyone else to photograph for me so they are the best I could get And the breast area- which I now realise is petty much the whole front of her? I feel awful that I’ve not realised it’s this bad!!
What do I do???
Just spoke with our local vet.. and they advised me to find one that specialises in farm animals. And I can’t find one local to us.
So not really sure what to do now.
I do t want to leave her if she’s in pain. :(
Try looking for an avian or exotics vet. My vets for my horses are farm vets but I would be very surprised if they know anything about poultry. I know there are a good poultry practice in Nottingham. I think there is a website that tells you where your nearest chicken vet is here in the UK. Will see if I can find it

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