Can anyone help with gender guesses?


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
Charlotte, VT
Hi! These are our 1st turkeys. They are Bourbon Reds that we got at a few days old. They are now 3-4 months old. I think that they are either a pair or 2 males. One is larger and darker than the other. Any ideas?? Thanks!

The one in the back is the smaller of the 2.

The smaller one is in front.
You can post bigger pics by not copying the address of the thumbnails. You can easily seperate four month old bourbon reds by their feathers. Males will have black borders on most of their feathers, and females will have white borders. I can't see in the pictures which is which, but you should be able to tell.
Thank you so much! That is really helpful. I just went and caught "Edna" and "Goober"....Edna (the larger) is a boy and Goober (the smaller) is a girl!

How do I post pictures with out copying the address? I've been wondering how people get those large pictures on here.

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