Can anyone identify this huge bird??

They are protected under the migratory bird treaty act. It must be awfully hungry. I really thought they only ate the all ready dead.

How ever your vulture may not of read the book.
I must have a rogue one or something, that likes fresh meat...LOL....just my luck..

My guess there is something wrong with him, either in a social way (he's not hunting with a band of em) or in a physical way.
Maybe its because he has taken live meat before and learned that it's possible.

Red, if you have an agriculture co-op extension office you can call them to find out in what ways it's possible to deal with him. Try them or your state game and fish commission.
LOL...I'm gonna have a talk with him about his behavior..tell him its very unbecoming for a vulture to eat live prey...
Also..maybe its just a single one doing it..the same bad one.
I must have a rogue one or something, that likes fresh meat...LOL....just my luck..

My guess there is something wrong with him, either in a social way (he's not hunting with a band of em) or in a physical way.
Maybe its because he has taken live meat before and learned that it's possible.

Red, if you have an agriculture co-op extension office you can call them to find out in what ways it's possible to deal with him. Try them or your state game and fish commission.

It could be...because the one that comes close is always by himself...and the one in the yard was alone too... MAybe it is just one rogue bird. Although i have seen up to 3-4 of them together circling the field and woods connected to my yard....but only one at a time ever comes in my yard..So maybe it is just 1 weird one?? *sigh* OOh well... I hope he dosent give the others any ideas...
Vultures and Condors are the only birds that can smell. Its possible that something dead is in your neighborhood, or that their roost is near by and the vultures are just covering the teritory well. It has been observed that a vulture (turkey) has actually killed (in this case a skunk) but it is a very rare observation. Remember that a silky is almost nothing like a chicken and in many ways it may resembel a sick and dieing chicken. I am sure vultures can smell the cooking in the oven! (meaning) The overbreading that has gone into creating a silky has to carried more than just abnormal feathers. I know that sight is an issue if you do not trim the feathers around the eyes. these birds may act as if they are blind. Maybe the vultures see this in behavior and think the chicken is stressed and dieing? I as most people, doubt that a Turkey vulture will kill a chicken. I value mine because they clean up the racoons I kill every summer. I just dump the carcus in the pasture and they have it gone in less than two days. Less work than digging a hole.
Call your DNR and ask them for help. This bird may have issues and needs to be caught and relocated if possible. Vultures will eat prey that is handy if they are starving. You can also use an airsoft gun UNLOADED to scare them away. If you have a barber or stylist, you can also ask for hair clippings to spread in your field. The smell of humans may keep them off. It works for me with deer and rabbits. Good Luck
It might be a black vulture. They are known to occasionally create their own carrion.

If it's a dark headed turkey vulture it's probably immature and possibly very hungry.

Either way, I'd keep an eye on it. (I'd actually be tempted to go toss some dead fish out for it... but well away from the house and chickens.)
It is a black buzzard/vulture.
They are commonly known here in texas to peck the eyes off of newborn calfs if the cow isnt around, costing ranchers precious calfs.
They fly really low over my chickens also, so just always be on the lookout.
We have the same problems with them here in south Alabama. We have to be on the lookout when calving time comes.

Hate them. They are drawn to any foul smell. In the winter, when they are starving, they land in my dad's cow pasture and eat manure. They are nasty, nasty, nasty!

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