Can anyone identify which breed this chick is pleease ?

mmmm Amberlink is a good suggestion ! she is defo starting to look like that could be the one... guess we will have to wait and see, ill post some new pics next week to keep you all updated
heres a few pics from this week, i think Rene is a boy as he is now much bigger than Mimi. .. although i guesss it could just be the difference in breeds.

Still thinking Amber link or Cubalaya are the best guess so far ...

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Where did you buy your chicks? Hatchery RIRs are not true RIRs. They are considered utility birds as they are breed to increase egg production not for appearance. Could just be a genetic mixup somehow. The sex wouldn't make a difference in appearance of the chick if they are RIRs, even hatchery stock. Cute chick though.
I brought my chicks from welp hatchery and they are true RIRs... They are beautiful, even people who brought theres from breeders say minds are some of the best quality they have seen! I have had 2 different breeders ask to buy my roosters... anyway! I think It looks like my red sex links did at that age, I cant see the color too clearly, some of my BO looked like that at one time too! actually alot like my BO's

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