Can Anyone Indentify My Sister's Rooster Friend?


11 Years
Mar 15, 2008
Northern NJ
My sister has made friends with a rooster at a house she is looking at and she was wondering what he is. Since I have made so many friends here I told her I would ask. Might be hard not being able to see his whole body. Any thoughts?


I'd say Easter Egger. I can't see his comb, but the rest of him looks a lot like my Easter Egger roosters.
I say true araucana. When you breed araucanas together you get tufted rumpless, tufted tailed, smooth faced rumpless, and rumpless and tailed birds with partial tufts. I say he is a tufted tailed araucana.
I just looked closer and noticed that it almost looks like feathers on his legs. He has to have araucana in him because he has one tuft for sure.
It's a bantam silkie rooster.

NO... I'm wrong. I believe it must be a quail! Yeah...that's it. It's a quail!
For anyone else who needs help. I charge a modest fee for my expert opinions.
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hi hi!

I am Donna's sister. I love love love this rooster. I went to look at this farm (still hoping to buy it) and the last renter left her hens and rooster behind. The chickens were apparently killed by some dog I was told - but the rooster is still there. I am hoping that he "comes with the house" haha.

Here is the only other picture I have of him right now...
Its still hard to tell. My first thought was EE, but then I read Mike's post...and I could see what he was talking about...Then I saw the second picture, and it doesn't look like a tuff to me, looks more like a beard in the second picture. Is there anyway to get a picture of the bird with his head up? He almost has the build like a standard old english game rooster, but with out a better picture, it will be hard to tell.
I say silkie cross, it has a small crest, small beard/muffs, feathered feet, and a walnut type comb, like when you mate a pea combed bird to a rose/silkie combed bird(genetically silkie comb is rose comb + crest). The second pic makes the 'tuft' look like hackle feathers attached to the bottom of the beak or somethin. Can you please get a pic of the bird upright?

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