Can Anyone Make sure this is what i think it is?


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
Graham/Kapowsin, WA
I'm pretty sure this is a blue laced red Wyandotte. can anyone make sure it is please? and I was looking online to see what varieties of Wyandotte there are and I didn't find blue laced red.... I am going to show her at the fair and is this in the APA? if it isn't I can't show her. thanks!!!

Looks like a Splash Laced Red (the splash version of Blue Laced Red) to me. As far as I know, neither the BLR or the SLR are in the APA standard.
Yes, she looks like a Blue (splash) Laced Red Wyandotte. Unfortunately, neither the BLR or splash BLR are in the Standard, that I know of.

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