Can anyone recommend a good hypoallergenic pup for cats & chickens?

My mom and dad have miniature schauzers, and they are crazy about them! There is one that doesn't listen so well outside (we got her as an adult), but otherwise they are good dogs that listen, they are around free range chickens w/out a problem, they got to go in the chicken pen some as puppies to meet them, but when we started free ranging the chickens they were already grown, and we've not had any problems. They are also great w/ cats!

My dad's is an all around farm dog, they aren't big dogs, but they are very solid and sturdy! His puppy is following in her dad's foot steps and learning the ropes!

They do generally seem to be one person dogs, and they seem to prefer to pick that person for themselves. When we got our first one I was a teen and she latched on to me right from the start! However her full sister (different litter) prefered my mom. I've met some that didn't care for kids, and some that loved them! My mom's are in a house full of kids and do great!

Don't know if that helps, but thought I'd weigh in since we have them and you were considering them!
I have a miniature poodle who is great with my cat and all my chickens. He tried to "round them up" at first, but now he mainly ignores them and thinks they are just part of the "normal" daily life.

He is rather a clown & thinks everyone wants to play with him. My kids love him.
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We have a "miniature" schnauzer as well - who totally outgrew his breed standard - he's about the size of a border collie. Great with the chickens and the cat. Very obedient and calm. We kept a soft muzzle on him when we first let the pullets out to free range just in case. He's fine with them all now, I'd really have to say he's the best dog we've had - and I LOVE the fact that he doesn't shed. We do have him schnauzer clipped every couple of months.
Thanks all for the advice!
the schnauzer is definately rising on the list of which breed to go for!
Poodles are hypo-allergenic. I am sure of that. They come in three sizes. I know a lot of people think they are prissy dogs, but they are not. They only think that because of the show cuts. If you shave them, they look like any other big dog. I have a toy poodle and she does not shed at all. When I brush her, nothing comes out either. She is my little angel. A family dumped her at the pound and the SPCA picked her up. She gets along with my cats and my parents dogs. She often gets lost in the flock of chickens
She likes to steal their food. Most animals don't even recognize her as a dog
She is the sweetest little creature ever. Even after being starved and abused her whole life. The truth is though, that it doesn't matter what breed you get. The ONLY thing that will ensure your dog doesn't kill the chickens or bite your children is training and love. Our Golden Retriever killed one of our chickens after he had an attack of seizers and was on a new medication that made him really goofy (but the papers never publish stories about Golden's killing or biting.) My dad took in a Pit Bull that needed a home. We were parinoid about him killing the chickens because he would watch them run around and had a interested look in his eyes. So, I started making him sit and stay and would bring a chicken over and let him sniff it. After awhile he learned that the chickens are members of the family and now he has no interest in them anymore. He actually has more interest in eating the chicken poop than the chickens
We did the same with the cats. He has never killed anything. He is an incredibilly sweet dog to children, adults and all other animals. No matter what breed though, no one should EVER leave a dog along with children or vulnerable animals. I think, if a dog is raised with love and never abused, the only chance of it biting a child is if they get into the food bowl when the dog is eating or if the child pulls on their ear or something. That is why handling is so important with any animal. When I first brought Gnocchi home, she would yelp if I held one of her ears and put the tinest bit of presure on them. So, I just started touching her ears more and more. And now she doesn't do it anymore. I think the family that had her let the kids handle her very roughly. Kids do love to pull on dog ears =/

Here is a picture of Gnocchi.


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lol! i think most dogs eat stinky things ;p i know every dog i've ever had has! I wouldn't mind a poodle but my dh had a toy growing up and his parents weren't very good pack leaders for their toy and so he has some pretty bad memories with that dog. *sigh* but i agree most dogs could do very well given the right training and encouragement. i guess i'm just a chicken. i want the least margin for failure

Gnocchi by the way is a doll!!!

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