Can anyone tell me if either or both of these are cream legbars?


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2022
I ordered a variety of color egg layers. Can any tell me if these two are cream legbar?


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The bottom one has the feather color of my Easter egger but not the usual green legs... Maybe a hybrid of a hybrid?
You ordered a Variety pack. That means it's hatchery choice, so you get what they send.
I realize that, I have been able to identify all the birds except these 2. I was thinking maybe cream legbar or Easter egger but they have yellow legs so I was leaning towards legbar but maybe wishful thinking because I was hoping to get at least 1 cream legbar in the mix.
I realize that, I have been able to identify all the birds except these 2. I was thinking maybe cream legbar or Easter egger but they have yellow legs so I was leaning towards legbar but maybe wishful thinking because I was hoping to get at least 1 cream legbar in the mix.
Easter Eggers are more likely. They can have any leg color.

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