Can anyone tell me what this is??


6 Years
Sep 29, 2013

My cat caught it by the chicken coop, which makes me a bit nervous to say the least! Is it a mink? We live about a half mile from the river and have a creek running through our property at the bottom of the hill.

Under the chin and neck area it is white, the rest of it is black and has beautiful fur.
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Looks like a young mink to me. Adult males and females are usually bigger than that. They can be pretty nasty when they are threatened so good thing you have a bad a** cat!! Lol
Weasels dont' have fur like that, mink for sure.
Thanks Tara, I changed the post above before I saw your comment to show the link sunflour was talking about, and theres a picture of a mink on that link. Looks just like it so I know its a mink.
I also agree that it must be a young one which says that you may well have a family nearby. You might check into traps and security for minks. Good luck and give that feline a treat!!!
@CWDancer Make sure you explore for any opening of 1" , reports show they can squeeze thru those, climb as well as a cat, and dig as well as a dog. 1/2" hardware cloth buried around the perimeter under those rocks would be a good idea. If the steel is inside a fence then they might be able to climb above and enter, if outside do ya think they jump as well? I have witnessed squirrels jump about 3 feet up a tree trunk and bet those minks can too.

Do set some traps at night to see if you can catch more - of course ones that cannot harm kitty.

Congrats to the great hunter CAT - could I borrow her? I have an excess of squirrels and chipmunks I would love to lose.

Good luck and hope the mink issue doesn't pose any loses, and the Cat keeps hunting.

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