Can anyone tell me what type and sex chick this is?

Why would you need to keep it separate from the rest? Chickens are flock animals, and they don't do well alone. Also, if he is a rooster (which I think he is), putting him with just one hen would be hard on the hen, she'd be, um, overloved.
Well, we have our chickens for eggs and also mix breeding is not good for the chickens and breeds is it? I also would never want to rehome him so I am trying to find a reasonable solution...
The farm lady had told my husband it is a Rhode Island white. Does that seem possible? I havent seen this breed listed as white in the breeds list.
The use of name Rhode Island White is abused, just about everywhere. I won't go into a long diatribe about it, but what is being called a RIW these days just isn't. The true RIW is incredibly rare, est to be less than 3000 in existence. First of all, a true RIW has a rose comb.

The hatcheries making commercial sexlinks, use a white female that has a mix of white (silver) in it to put under the red rooster. These white birds are often sold at feed stores and give different names, for marketing reasons. If you breed back an ISA Brown to ISA Brown, for example, in two generations you get that white bird back, in cockerels and in pullets. Here's a photo of such a bird we have bred. Notice the single comb.

On most hatchery websites, they claim to use a RIR over RIW to make this and that red or gold sexlink. They're not, but they've no other name, I guess, for the white bird they've created in the parent stock. The fact is that it is a white bird, with who knows what in it's parentage. WR, white leghorn, sussex, etc, Highly dubious that any of them have much, if any, RIW in them.

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Well, we have our chickens for eggs and also mix breeding is not good for the chickens and breeds is it? I also would never want to rehome him so I am trying to find a reasonable solution...

You can leave him there, if it's just for eggs and a backyard flock. There is no need to separate the poor boy, he'd be awfully lonely. You will LOVE having a rooster in your flock! He will protect the girls, alert them to danger, show them tasty treats around the yard, and offer a beautiful and fun noise (crowing of course ;) ) for your backyard flock. As long as it's legal for you to have a rooster, please keep him and allow him access to the girls! Fertilized eggs are no different tasting than unfertilized eggs and are sometimes considered more nutritious!

As for my backyard flock, right now I have:
Ricky, our Appenzeller Spitzhauben/EE cross cockeral
2 Buff Orpingtons
2 Easter Eggers
3 Marans/EE x
1 Welsummer
1 Black Australorp
1 Gold Laced Wyandotte

I never plan to "breed" them, but will allow any broodies to hatch their own clutch next spring if they want to. No biggie!
you could spend time with just him and train him a bit. I trained my cornish x rock (who looked exactly the same) to ride in the wheel barrel. ( did i spell that right?)

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