Can anyone tell what kind of chicks these are?


Mar 30, 2016
I hope the pictures aren't too terrible, but those little suckers are fast. I kept 4 chicks from a batch of barnyard mix hatching eggs for my broody to raise. I am curious what I ended up with.

I'm not concerned with gender yet because they're only 2 weeks old. Can someone help me hash out what breeds they might be? I had a dozen eggs, all hatched. 6 blue, 3 dark brown, 3 lighter brown.


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At the very least, I know the guy I bought the eggs from has a Dark Brahma roo that is really fertile. Lol! My mom hatched eggs from him recently also and he told her he thought Dark Brahma was the daddy.
How am I supposed to get pics of the parents when I bought the eggs from a guy who has a menagerie? Lol!
I'm leaning towards EE crosses for the chipmunk ones, and BCM crosses for the black ones. What do ya'll think? Considering the colors of the eggs I had, I could be in the ballpark, maybe.

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