Can Baby Chicks Eat Things Like Strawberries?

The Wife just put some strawberry tops in the compost bucket. I tossed them in with the chicks to see what would happen. They went bonkers ... after they overcame the fear of "yet another new thing" in their home. They also devoured the play sand I added.
Hi everyone Yes I feed my new chicks what I call chicken salad starting at about 1 week old. Greens are really cheap in the grocery store right now probably coming out of Florida I feed them kale,carrots,turnip greens, parsley alfalfa sprouts and cantaloupe all chopped up very fine they absolutely love it .When they see me lower the paper plate into the brooder they try to jump onto the plate before it hits the floor. it takes them about 3 minuets to clean up both plates. In addition to these greens they get hard boiled eggs every day .There are 33 chicks in the brooder and they also eat 2 quarts of 20% chick starter every day. I don't remember how fast my chicks grew last year but with this diet I can see tremendous growth they will be 3 weeks tomorrow I will bet they have quadrupled there weight. I think they are very happy chickens Have a nice morning Harry
Hello I'm new to chickens and all but isn't feeding them eggs like chicken cannibalism?
Actually chickens are the closest living relatives to tyrannosaurus rex they are predators , carnivores and cannibalistic if a chicken has a blood spot on it the others will peck it to death if you don't do something they would rather eat bugs than grain anytime they even love meat
Table scraps with a leftover hamburger will be gobbled up in a heartbeat( adult chickens only). I feed them hardboiled eggs because it is a good source of protein and fat helps my chicks grow strong and fast I have so many eggs even after keeping my friends and family supplied . I never feed raw eggs don't want to start that habit. Those awful people who fight chickens feed them raw meat.
I try to keep my chickens happy as I do my pets and my wife feed them well'
Have a really nice morning
Thanks. I didn't know they could eat meat. Just yesterday i was telling my boyfriend that the ducks look like a t-rex lol. Thank you for informing me off the protein and fat source. Now my furry peeps are 4-1 week old when could i start feeding them eggs. And also is it ok to feed them cilantro and blueberries

​Actually chickens are the closest  living relatives to tyrannosaurus  rex they are predators , carnivores and cannibalistic if a chicken has a blood spot on it the others will peck it to death if you don't do something  they would rather eat bugs than grain anytime they even love meat
​Table scraps with a leftover hamburger will be gobbled up in a heartbeat( adult chickens only). I feed them hardboiled eggs because it is a good source of protein and fat helps my chicks grow strong and fast I have so many eggs even after keeping my friends and family supplied . I never feed raw eggs don't want to start that habit. Those awful people who fight chickens feed them raw meat.
I try to keep my chickens happy as I do my pets and my wife feed them well'
Have a really nice morning
Thanks. I didn't know they could eat meat. Just yesterday i was telling my boyfriend that the ducks look like a t-rex lol. Thank you for informing me off the protein and fat source. Now my furry peeps are 4-1 week old when could i start feeding them eggs. And also is it ok to feed them cilantro and blueberries

Yes you can feed them "treats" now, just make sure it's only a treat..not more than 10% of their daily feed.
And make sure they have access to grit order in the yard.
Now weekday about bedding? We had issues with feather loss sure to fine pine. So i started using news paper now they just look like a bunch of dirty birds. Should i go babble to pine but use the flake. I saw somewhere that they like dust baths. How to i do that for them while they are still indoors
My 2 week olds go crazy for those tiny meal worms you get for reptiles!I sometimes hand a few out for breakfast and... It turns into the most dramatic game of chase/tug o war ever! Good bonding time though, and certainly wakes them up for the day!
I have a question about grit. I just purchased a 5 lb. bag, but don't know how to feed it to my chicks. Should I just put a bit in a little container, or offer it with the foods I am giving them? Also, what foods are safe for 2 week old chicks to eat? I want to offer them fun treats occasionally, but don't know what is safe.

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