Can Button Quail Go Through Tubes?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 21, 2012
I am trying to find a good design for my indoor button quail cage. I need a design that is cheap, provides lots of space for the quail to move around, and can be put indoors. What I am thinking is to get a bunch of toy bins and connect them with short pieces of 6" thick PVC piping. Will the button quail go through the tubes? I am also looking for a pair of button quail chicks in the Chicago area.

Thanks, Quailz
I went to dollar tree and bought some plastic baskets cut them up into platforms to make multi levels for mine to play on and they love them
Thank you so much! Also does anyone know where I can get a pair of button quail?

I looked on e-bay and craigslist and the closest person who is selling live button quail (there was someone selling dead ones as dog food) is six hours away. Thanks though.


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