Can chickens and rabbits live together?


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Southern WV
I have 3 white crested black polish bantams, and the larger chickens are picking on them. The rooster has been living in a crate in my kitchen for the last week since his crest feathers were pulled out.

The only safe place I have to put them would be in the barn coop with 3 very large Rex rabbits.

Was wondering if they would be able to co-habitate peacefully. I understand they will eat each others food, etc. Mainly wondering if there will be any fighting issues.

Thanks for any help!
I have 2 dutch rabbits living in my coop and they seem to do well. I normally keep them in a cage in the coop but when I let them out, they are fine.
I have rabbits that live in my coop. Only the baby had problems eating the feed (I switched to pellets and she stopped). All is going well and I have my meat rabbit doe in there now so she will raising her kits in the coop (until I get a tractor for her built).

I provide lots and lots of fresh produce to all my animals so there isn't much dietary problems.
Im not saying its impossible, its just not a good idea. you need to think about what makes the animals happy not you. In the wild rabbits and chickens(junglefowl) don't live togeather so they shouldn't live togeather in captivity. And, no offense but, a story on BYC is not really the best place to get information.

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