Can chickens catch cold from a human?


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
I and my fam have had a bad cold lately, so I have not been giving my girls any treats that we have eaten off of.

Is this being too paranoid, or just common sense? They smell my grapefruit and think they are getting a goody, then are so disappointed, poor things.

And my one hen goes nuts for taco's, she bout had a fit this afternoon when I didnt give her my leftovers.
She starts crying soon as you come in the door when she smells it, like "dont forget to give me some of that"

Silly question I know, but I have heard birds are prone to respiratory ailments and so.... am being careful. Is that silly?

Let them have the treats. I have never heard of a chicken getting a cold from a human. And I have been raising chickens for well over fifty years. I could be wrong, but I don't thinks so this time.
Unless you suspect your cold is a respiratory infection in disguise, it'll be fine. Colds are viruses, and the odds of one mutating to not only affect another animal, but a bird, are so slim it's hardly worth considering.

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