Can chickens eat fox meat?


Jun 4, 2018
So, we had a fox take one of our beautiful hens yesterday. We're so sad as it happened when our LGD happened to be inside the house! He attempted to get two but our Rhode Island Red got away with just a handful of feathers missing. Praise the Lord! It was just a baby fox.

Today, my husband saw a HUGE MALE FOX about as big as they are genetically capable of growing. It was running across our gravel drive, stopped. stared at him and then ran off into the woods. He's now on a mission to defend our flocks and kill the foxes here.

My question: When he gets him/them, can I feed them to our chickens??? Kind of seems like righteous judgment! ;) If I can feed them this foul beast, can I just grind it up and feed it raw or does it need to be cooked?

And I know it's a canine. I don't care. We're actually veggan, which means we only eat our own eggs and no other animal products. BUT...these foxes are after our feather babies! They're on the chickens' menu if you ask me!

Thanks, all, for you help and wisdom! You're the best.
So, we had a fox take one of our beautiful hens yesterday. We're so sad as it happened when our LGD happened to be inside the house! He attempted to get two but our Rhode Island Red got away with just a handful of feathers missing. Praise the Lord! It was just a baby fox.

Today, my husband saw a HUGE MALE FOX about as big as they are genetically capable of growing. It was running across our gravel drive, stopped. stared at him and then ran off into the woods. He's now on a mission to defend our flocks and kill the foxes here.

My question: When he gets him/them, can I feed them to our chickens??? Kind of seems like righteous judgment! ;) If I can feed them this foul beast, can I just grind it up and feed it raw or does it need to be cooked?

And I know it's a canine. I don't care. We're actually veggan, which means we only eat our own eggs and no other animal products. BUT...these foxes are after our feather babies! They're on the chickens' menu if you ask me!

Thanks, all, for you help and wisdom! You're the best.
Yes, cooked would be smart. Foxes can carry many types of parasites that can effect your chickens. Parasites foxes may carry: Lung worm, Liver/Lung Fluke, tapeworms, Hookworms, various round worms, such as Raccoon round worm. They may also carry rabies, & Rotavirus.
I'm sorry but I will never understand why people think it is their right to kill native wildlife when it eats their animals that they let run loose. Free-range chickens, pigeons, dogs or cats are free game to wildlife. If someone is not able to deal with that, their animals should not be loose.

The foxes belong there. The chickens don't.
I'm sorry but I will never understand why people think it is their right to kill native wildlife when it eats their animals that they let run loose. Free-range chickens, pigeons, dogs or cats are free game to wildlife. If someone is not able to deal with that, their animals should not be loose.

The foxes belong there. The chickens don't.

Why are predators immune from predation? Doesn't make sense. Humans are as much a part of nature as wildlife is.
I'm sorry but I will never understand why people think it is their right to kill native wildlife when it eats their animals that they let run loose. Free-range chickens, pigeons, dogs or cats are free game to wildlife. If someone is not able to deal with that, their animals should not be loose.

The foxes belong there. The chickens don't.
Not everyone likes to keep their chickens in cages 24/7. It’s better for them to run loose and sleep in the trees just like their instincts tell them to do. Occasionally a fox has to lose his coat for the survival of the chickens. I like all wildlife but I prefer my chickens alive so a few foxes, raccoons, mink, weasels and coyotes have to go. Don’t worry though the fur doesn’t go to waste. ;)
I'm sorry but I will never understand why people think it is their right to kill native wildlife when it eats their animals that they let run loose. Free-range chickens, pigeons, dogs or cats are free game to wildlife. If someone is not able to deal with that, their animals should not be loose.

The foxes belong there. The chickens don't.

Do you eat meat? I ask because clearly the ANIMALS belong here and WE DON'T. We've taken over their natural habitats, destroyed entire species and forced others to relocate. So, if you eat meat, ESPECIALLY factory-farmed and torturously-raised meat, you are speaking in hypocrisy. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, then ignore what I've written above and kudos to you.
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So, we had a fox take one of our beautiful hens yesterday. We're so sad as it happened when our LGD happened to be inside the house! He attempted to get two but our Rhode Island Red got away with just a handful of feathers missing. Praise the Lord! It was just a baby fox.

Today, my husband saw a HUGE MALE FOX about as big as they are genetically capable of growing. It was running across our gravel drive, stopped. stared at him and then ran off into the woods. He's now on a mission to defend our flocks and kill the foxes here.

My question: When he gets him/them, can I feed them to our chickens??? Kind of seems like righteous judgment! ;) If I can feed them this foul beast, can I just grind it up and feed it raw or does it need to be cooked?

And I know it's a canine. I don't care. We're actually veggan, which means we only eat our own eggs and no other animal products. BUT...these foxes are after our feather babies! They're on the chickens' menu if you ask me!

Thanks, all, for you help and wisdom! You're the best.
This time of year my chickens will not consume a raccoon or opossum carcass directly. I assume a fox will be the same. They will consume maggots and pupae of flies that have matured past the feeding stage on the carcass and have moved off to continue life cycle. There is a stink issue with that approach.

During the winter is a different situation where the carcass will not break down as rapidly. The problem then is the chickens have a difficult time at best getting past the hide. Try cutting it open then to make their access easier.
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