Can Chickens Eat Grapes? Are grapes safe for chickens?

Yep, grapes are absolutely safe for chickens. I have given my four barred rocks grapes for a while now and they love them! I would cut the grapes in half before giving it to them, because they can be big. There was an instance when my barred rock somehow got a whole grape and swallowed it by accident, and she had trouble pooping but luckily she was able to digest it and poop it out. Grapes are not only yummy, but healthy. I wouldn't give them too much because too much is always not good. Grapes help the human heart, and I don't see how they wouldn't help chicken hearts. Grapers also have a decent amount of Potassium, which is great for the chickens. I wouldn't give them grapes as their meal every day, I would give them grapes as a snack or treat, maybe once every other day.

Some foods that they shouldn't be eating is definitely avocado pits and skin. The flesh has been eaten by some chickens before, but it is not recommended. Avocado has toxins that aren't harmful to humans, but they are dangerous to chickens. They also shouldn't be eating anything moldy, old, or oily. Many people give them junk food such as chocolate, candy, and fast food but that is all bad for them.

Actually, many people think that bread is bad for the chickens, but bread sctually does help chickens lay eggs easier. You can feed them any type, they absolutely love bread and give them like grapes, for a treat or snack in small chunks.

I hope this helped!!

Thanks thanks thanks!! It's all mashed up ...mostly skins and seeds. Someone said the seeds could be a problem and there are a lot of seeds so maybe I won't give it to them.
Ya know, on one of "those" kind of days, you may forget to give the grapes to your chickens....and come back to find that it's fermented into red wine!

I've never seen red wine on the list of things never to give your chicken, but I wouldn't take any chances!

Don't grapes need yeast to be fermented? I know that yeast is a eukaryotic microorganism that ferments grapes.
Yes, the seeds should be fine if vitamixed. (Double check with a google search to make sure there's nothing super toxic in grape seeds as there is in apple seeds. I give apples - includes seeds and stems - to my chickens. They usually leave the seeds and stems alone and devour the apple bits. Same with peaches and pears and grapes and blueberries.)

If super concerned, why not vitamix it all and then break it into smaller portions? Give one portion now and freeze the others for another day. :)

There's yeast naturally in the air...
I gave my chickens some leftover grapes the other day that had started going soft. I tossed them in the pen and watched them chase their new "toys." They were disappearing as soon as I threw them in there. Then I realized they were swallowing them whole!!! O was worried but they begged for more! Fortunately it didn't hurt them at all! I am also wondering about muscadines being safe. Does anyone know about that? I'd assume they are safe because they are obviously safe for people, but unsure of the safety due to the seeds. Any ideas?

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