Can chickens eat Pomagranits?????

My chickens free range under and in my pomegranate tree. They have stained legs and faces but I have had so many this year I needed to share them!!

I will have to look for one, but I wonder if they will grow down here in Georgia.

Just remember that it takes them a while before you will get fruit from them. Mine is over 30 years old and I have so much fruit from it that I am tossing a bunch of it. I shipped a few boxes off to people made about 30 batches of jellies, and simple sugar from the juices. Fed my chickens and parrot at least three fruits a day and I still have some on the tree. Thanks for reminding me I have to go and clean the fruit off my tree!!
you know I never stopped to think let alone ask where they come from. You are so lucky to be able to have a tree in your yard! Are you allowed to ship out of state????
Oh I love pommagranits. I remember when I was a kid they had a Conan the barbarian cartoon and the bird in the show was a baby phoenix and it always used to chow down on pommagranits. Its good to know chickens like it too. next time I'll share. FYI. I like to cut the pommagranits into 1/4s and then rip and peel the way pieces away until a good portion of seeds are exposed at once, then I use my teeth to separate the seed from the waxy part, kinda like a garden hoe. Still takes like 10 minutes and I gotta stand over the sink to really enjoy it.

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