Can chickens get/have Giardiasis?

Watery brown poop, dehydrations and weight loss.
The chicken will mostly likely need antibiotic...from a vet.
Is a vet possible?

Note: Humans can also catch Giardia, so good sanitation and hygiene practices will help to prevent transmission.
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young Chick I purchased has watery stool, no weight loss, produced eggs at 6 months or so, Maran hen, but stool looks like it has water mixed with it. she drinks fine and eats great. Doesn't appear ill. my son got new puppy and vet said he had giardia, he was here at my house 3 days and ate some chicken poop. i wondered if he got it from my chicken.
Watery stool makes me think worms.
Could you collect some of this chickens poo and poo from your whole flock and run it to the vets office for a fecal test to confirm.
Its cheep...and a dog vet can perform the test.
Find out for sure first though....its a quick test.
There are different types of worms chickens can get/carry and there are different types of wormers.
Not all wormers treat every type of worm, which is why it is important to find out which worms they actually have.
If you are in a hot climate, it is not unusual for chickens to have watery poop as they drink more to try to keep cool, so it may be perfectly normal and nothing wrong, especially if it is otherwise appearing healthy.

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