Can chickens see in the dark?


12 Years
Mar 20, 2007
I've just been wondering how well they can see in the pitch black darkness. When the light goes out in the coop, it is pitch black. Would they be able to see to get up on their roost? There is not even a sliver of light coming in.
Normally they cant see too well even in a dusk/dark situation.
That being said, I had a little cross beak whose eyes were sensitive to light due to her "problem" and she could see real well in the dark. The light hurt her eyes somethin awful. I was amazed how well she could see with the lights off, but I think it was due to the light sensitivity thing. She also died at a very young age due to not getting enuff to eat.
That's why you find chickens heading to the roost way before sundown...they don't see well at all after dark.......

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