Can chicks die after being scared by a larger one jumping in their box?


Mar 11, 2017
One of my pullets jumped out of her pen and into my meat pen of 3 week old rangers scaring them silly! They are all fine now but am wondering if this will have any Ill effects or would they have already been literally scared and dropped dead already. I don’t want to lose all my chicks cause of my stinkin pullet.
((((Hugs)))). I'm hearing a little bit of PTSD there (no joke). Well, not actual Post Trauma but you're stressed, I understand. That is a lot of loss. Not as bad as the loss of a person but I totally get it. You get to a point where you're just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Hang in there girl. And pray love and wellness over your birds. It has helped me a lot.
((((Hugs)))). I'm hearing a little bit of PTSD there (no joke). Well, not actual Post Trauma but you're stressed, I understand. That is a lot of loss. Not as bad as the loss of a person but I totally get it. You get to a point where you're just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Hang in there girl. And pray love and wellness over your birds. It has helped me a lot.
I value human life so very much in such a different way but when you put time and money into birds it really bugs you. Thank you!

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