Can dogs climb fences?


10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
It was raining and we were running late so I left the gate open when I took the kids to school. Came home to find a medium sized dog in the yard.

We have 6 ft chainlink around the entire lot.I pulled in and locked the gate.The dog ran to the back where there is a corner of trees. Due to a dog attack last year I did not get close. I went straight in to call AC. Went out with a stick in hand to see if I could see the dog.Nowhere. I walked the entire yard 4 times,and even brought out one dog to sniff out the stray. I called AC to cancel. There are no holes in or under the fence. I just can not figure out where this dog disappeared too. I have not let the chickens ,dogs,or cat out to roam the yard.Don't want my kids out when they come home either.

Could this dog have somehow climbed over,or pushed under the fence? I am thinking under but I checked the fence line and can not see how that dog could have pushed his way under it. I can see how easy it is for dogs to get at chickens if they really want too!
Yes. A determined dog can scale a 6 foot fence with relative ease.
yes, they can climb them and jump them...I had a male Doberman stand flat footed and jump a six foot chain link fence...he did it three times before I believed what I was seeing...I had a female in season in the house and no top on my kennel run where he was supposed to be staying...I have tops on my kennel runs today thanks to him...that was also the year he took the back door off the hinges and sent it sailing...he was a handful...dogs are clever buggers and your trespasser probably hopped it or simply climbed over...
Well I hope he is really out of the yard. I will never leave my gate open again,but I guess the dogs can always climb in too! I wish I could wrap the top with some deterent wire.
Cute video! I have one of those mini pins and he better not get any ideas on climbing.Usually he is to busy barking and running back and forth.
I had a small dog once that would actually climb the fence. He didn't do it when we were home, just when we would leave for an extended period. We'd come home and he'd be outside the fence. I was perplexed until one time a neighbor witnessed the act. The dog was a llapso apso and the fence 4ft chain link.
Actually i also had a doberman that could stand at a dead still jump up like a gazelle and scale her way over - if it was a shorter fence shecould do the same with out even putting her feet on it for leverage - so my answer is absolutely they can!
Y'All are gonna think I'm lyin. I had a half pit half catahoula who could jump over a 6 foot fence & climb up trees. He also learned how to hold his breath under water. I think he was only living up to his name which was huevos.

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