Can dogs climb fences?

The kids just saw the dog in the front yard by the gate,so he did get out.He was bigger than I remember too.Looks like a boxer and great dane mix.Kids say no collar.Hopefully someone will get him.Still upset though realizing my *secure* fence is not so secure after all!
Guess I should get back into carrying a stick and mace again,lol. I did it for months after my dog got bit up,but stopped after things were calm for a long time.

And here I thought I would have issues with my dogs digging UNDER the fence.Never thought they might go over.
Oh yes, dogs are actually excellent climbers so long as they have footholds. Most just don't because they never figure out they CAN do it.

Larger dogs as the others have mentioned can even just jump a 6-8 foot fence.
A friend of mine kept a male beagle in a pen surrounded by a six foot chain link fence-no roof. One day his mother got a call saying "Your dog just bred my dachshund." When my friend's mother went out to check on the dog, he was sitting just outside the fence. Too tired to climb back in. Yes, some dogs are capable of climbing fences. As a side note, this dog was particularly intelligent for a beagle and had unusual homing instincts. His actions gave rise to many interesting stories.
A dog climbing fences is why my chickens' run has wire on top, It was formally home to to two beagles, one of which (her name was Shadow) learned to climb fences and come visit us at the house.
I had (have...kind of) a large mixed breed dog that can go over a four foot fence without so much as blinking. He just jumps. Usually he does sort of springboard himself with one foot. I have no doubt that he could clear a six foot fence with ease. He can also tear chain link off the posts, no matter how secure we have ever fastened it. He is now with a family member who tolerates his annoyances. Technically I guess he's not my dog anymore but he kind of is...LOL...he is welcome to stay where he is!

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