Can duck take Colloidal Silver


In the Brooder
May 16, 2020
I have a duck that is panting and it’s not hot because I have four ducks in all and only one is panting I am afraid it’s getting sick so my papa make the silver and I am just curious is it oky to give to my duck and how much a day please help me
I’ve always given my birds liquid silver when they get sick. I don’t know what it does or if it helps but my aunt says it does. Probably a couple of teaspoons for your duck. She might have a respiratory issue.
I have a duck that is panting and it’s not hot because I have four ducks in all and only one is panting I am afraid it’s getting sick so my papa make the silver and I am just curious is it oky to give to my duck and how much a day please help me

It is easy to assume it's not a heat-related problem if the other birds aren't panting, but, for example, Pekin's or any heavyweight breed tend to breathe heavier and also get overheated much easier then your normal medium weight breeds. Respiratory/fungal problems are not a common occurrence with waterfowl unless they are being kept in horrid conditions, moldy feed, wet bedding, overaccumulation of feces, etc. Also with respiratory/fungal problems most likely other symptoms will be present such as watery eyes, discharge from the eye's, swollen eyes, heavy breathing, lethargy, tail bobbing, coughing, weight loss, or loss of appetite.
If you have a video of your duck breathing, I'd be glad to see it, there is often a small distinguishable difference between panting caused by heat, and labored breathing caused by something fungal/respiratory.

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