Can eggs "roll too much" during hatching?


Apr 30, 2018
Hello all,

I'm a preschool director in Long Beach and we are currently watching our 4th round of hatching using a Brinsea Mini Adavance incubator. The first three years, we set chicken eggs and had great success. This year, we set 4 duck eggs. (I have no idea what breed of duck. It's an "eggs for education" mixed batch we picked up from a local feed store.)

On day 25, I removed the turning table and set the eggs on the floor of the incubator for lockdown. There is NOT a non-slip surface on the bottom- I forgot it!!! On day 26, we saw some wiggling eggs! And now on day 27, 2 eggs have pipped and are rocking around.

But now I'm worried they are rolling too much? Will the slippery surface hinder them from being able to zip? I've always left the turning tray in the incubator during a hatch (because I'm terrified to ever open the incubator!) but this year, I tried removing it. Does anyone have experience with this? Will the ducks be able to hatch if the eggs rock wildly through the open space? They don't have much opportunity to wedge themselves anywhere with only 4 eggs in the incubator and a slippery floor.

4 years later and this is still so stressful!! :)
Thanks for the response. It always makes me feel more settled to hear from others with more experience! I tell ya, every year I feel more confident... until it's time to hatch and then I'm a frantic basket case!

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