Can environment cause broodyness?

I know it's hormones that cause broodiness, but what causes the hormonal changes? If it's environmental, why don't all the birds in a flock go broody at the same time? Or at least all the birds of the same breed? (Well actually I once had 8 BO and I think 6 of them did, all at once!). I don't know who might be able to answer this, but it's a great question. @azygous? @ChickenCanoe ? Breed must play a part; I've never had an EE go broody, and they've always made up the majority of my flock.
Not I! I have 3 Marans, and all 3 of them were broody. I have no need of broodies! It's one reason I like EEs so much, they never seem to go broody.
we just tossed a third into our broody pen (our former duck house).

we also just found a clutch of 20 eggs under said pen. the third broody was sitting on them!

the first two have been there for a little over a week so we're considering a slight modification to the setup and we need to make it quick.

i think the easiest solution is to make the only option in that pen roosting. so we'll just add some 2x4s and hope we can get the girls on them. thoughts?

we have tried the cool baths in the past but didn't have much success. maybe we'll try again more regularly.
If the only option in the pen is roosts, where will the hens lay their eggs? Do you mean to remove all nests?
Blue, there is one issue that can prolong broodiness with your method rather than the wire bottom cage. As long as a dedicated broody can sit down on a solid surface, they can keep their abdomen warm. That will continue the hormone cycle. The sure way to break the cycle is to get cool air to circulate around the abdomen.
That is the sure-fire method used for thousands of years.

A dedicated broody won't start laying eggs for some time after broodiness is broken,
Nature assures broody hens don't lay eggs. That prevents a staggered hatch which would result in dead embryos when the first few hatch and the hen decides to take the chicks away to eat and drink. She won't continue to sit because her job is to care for her charges even if there are eggs still developing.

What breeds are your persistent setters?
Brahmas, and Orpingtons seem to be my most determined broody ladies.
We used to make wire cages out of woven wire fencing with lath or sticks for rigidity bound together with wire. They don't have to be fancy. They just have to prevent the hen from sitting on a solid surface and hold a bit of food and water. We had them suspended from the roof of the hen house.

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