Can Golden Comet (sex link) chicks be striped?

Gumpsgirl, thank you, that is exactly what my chick looks like. I got her from Meyer, my other ones I got from Ridgeway Hatchery, so Silkiechicken you are probably right about different hatcheries and different strains. I didn't even think about that. Thanks everyone!
Glad I found this link. I think I got some Golden Comets by accident today ( instead of all RIR ). Can anyone tell me about them as a whole? Are they dual, layers, will they burn out, how big do they get, what is thier general temperment, etc. Sorry so many questions, but I didn't really want these and that's what they threw in.
Any pictures of an adult?

They are a cross between a White Rock hen and a New Hampshire Red rooster. Pullets are golden red with a little white around the neck. Males are white. They mature early, good layers, quiet and cold hardy. That's about all I know as this is my first time with chicks.
ya i got 5 golden comet sex link chickens and whene i first got them they all had stripes down ther backs and a spot on her head.
I have 10 golden comet chicks or red star/gold star is another name. They all have redish stripes too. its completely normal
Hello, first timer here :) We purchased some golden comets from our local hardware store that told us they only sold hens :/ At the time we also purchased three brown leghorns, only to recently (thanks to your site) come to know that one is a male. He has the darker feathers on his chest and MUCH larger comb. My concern is for our comet girls, or what we hope are girls. When we purchased them they did have some red in them, however not as much as some of the pics I'm seeing on here. I'm concerned we may have all males. At just about two months out, is there any way for me to tell?
I got a golden comet that was nearly all white besides orange racing stripes and a tinged head. White wing feathers grew in and I got nervous. By three weeks she has some lovely tan shoulder, chest and leg feathers growing in and now at four weeks old they are all varying degrees of solid tan mixed with the white towards their tail. The light one has an almost all white back half and tan front half.

So if yours is a rooster by 8 weeks would be all white with maybe a few little red feathers on the shoulder/middle wing area. If a girl, will be fairly tan/red with some possible white feathers mixed in especially on their rear end.

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