Can I add more quails to my already established duo.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 20, 2014

New here. I have 2 bobwhite quails, they are approx 6 months old. We did have 3 but sadly one passed away last week. The one that passed away was a Japanese! Its all very complicated but they hatched as a trio and had bonded well so it was decided they should all live together. They have an aviary in the garden and generally seem happy. However I suspect that the 2 bobs are both male. Can we add more quails to the group or are we best to leave them as a duo? They share the aviary with a pair of budgies without problem, in fact the budgies have taught the bobs how to fly!! (I did warn you that this is a strange set up!). Thanks for any advice you can give me. They are mainly for my son who is the real quail fan and does love a quail egg but obviously he isn't getting any eggs at the moment, another thing that makes me suspect that we have 2 bob males.
Thank you, the Aviary has a safety porch, and i am just about to build them an extension! Maybe they can live in the old safety porch so thy can see the other quails before actually living with them? Would this work?
Also will it matter if i add more males, will they fight? If i am right about the two existing ones are they likely to fight?
Thank you, the Aviary has a safety porch, and i am just about to build them an extension! Maybe they can live in the old safety porch so thy can see the other quails before actually living with them? Would this work?
I just have a little cage that i put inside my bigger one and that works cuz they can see each other but not touch
I don't really have the set up to separate them, Would they not have fought already? Can I introduce different type of quail or is t best to stick to bobs?
coturnix quails give more eggs but bobs are pretty. personal I would get cots cuz people say they are less flighty. I have never had bobs though so keep that in mind. Just wait for more experienced people
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