Can i feed chicks egg while treating w corid?


Apr 16, 2021
Hey everyone :)

This might be a dumb question, but I wanted to check.

I know that nutridrench should not be used with corid, but would it be okay to feed my chicks scrambled eggs while they are on corid? Is there anything in the eggs that would cause the corid to be less potent?

I have a chick in the brooder that I *suspect* has cocci, so I began treatment imediately. Just wanting to see if I could do anything else for the poor baby, he's just not as active as he usimmediately.

He is the only one I'm worried about but am treating all.

Thanks a lot for your help, fortunately this is my first time dealing with this but I've read up a lot on it and was prepared! :)
How old is the chick? Yes you can feed eggs or wet feed, as those are 2 things that many chickens like. Most chicks with coccidiosis may not want to eat, but fluids are very important. Buttermilk and a bit of cooked rice, or plain yogurt are also good, and have probiotics.
How old is the chick? Yes you can feed eggs or wet feed, as those are 2 things that many chickens like. Most chicks with coccidiosis may not want to eat, but fluids are very important. Buttermilk and a bit of cooked rice, or plain yogurt are also good, and have probiotics.
There are 3 younger and 3 older, I'm guessing about 4 to 6 weeks . Thank you very much for responding! I used a dropper to get the chick to drink some of the treated water, and it was eating a bit before I left.

I've gone to work since and will update once I get back home. Thank you for the suggestions! I will whip something up tonight :)

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