I have 13 chickens; 2 male, 11 female, aged 8 months to 1.5 years. Most of the big girls are molting and only 4 are currently laying, and rather inconsistently at that. Because it’s gotten cold, most are staying in the coop most of the day, even though all have the option to be in the coop or the run. I’m attributing this to the molt. Their food and water are outside and I’m concerned they’re not getting enough to eat. Is it ok to feed them meat bird feed with 22% protein, oyster shell on the side, to increase the nutrition while consuming less? I shop at our local TSC, but usually struggle to find fresh feed, so I get the freshest they offer which lately has been feather fixer with 18% protein. The all flock is generally the oldest. They get wet feed & scrambled eggs (store bought, of course!) for treats. Thoughts? Am I overthinking this?!?