Can I feed them Farina?


12 Years
Aug 2, 2007
I have a box of Farina in my cupboard that has been there since my son was very young. I think it is still good - no bugs in it or that kind of thing. Its just that no one will eat it! I hate to throw away food and so I was wondering...can I give it to the chickens? Should I give it to them dry or mix it up? Any advice would be appreciated.

Farina is a cereal that is kind of like Malt-O-Meal Crem of Wheat that is often fed to children as a first food. I hope you all know what I am talking about because I don't know how else to describe it!
Nuggetsowner, I had a friend give me some Farina. I personally dont like it so I fed it to my chickies. That was a month and a half ago. They are all still fine. I mixed dried eggs with it, oatmeal with it and instant mashed potatoes with it, and I mixed yogurt with it, AND I gave it to them plain. They will love it.
I have used the Farina for my flock. Particularly in the winter months when the temps are down (not that they get that low here). I actually cook it (yes, as I tell my kids and DH, I cook breakfast for my chickens, but not my family! LOL). They really enjoy the nice, warm treat on a cold morning.
I made my silkies and cochins oatmeal one morning and mixed in some yogurt. All of them walked in it. I think they thought it was a chickie spa for dried,cracked feet!! They wouldn't eat it. Should I try it again?
Seems as though I put yogurt in it once for my girls and they wouldn't eat it either. Might try again if you'd like. I didn't put any salt or anything in mine last winter. Just plain ole warm oatmeal on a cold morning.
I made them oatmeal this morning and put blueberries in it. Out of 21 chickens, there were only 3 that didn't eat it! These are my oldest ( about 8 yrs.) My silkies were standing in it gulping it down. One little one sounded like she was growling at the others!!
Nuggetsowner:) :

I have a box of Farina in my cupboard that has been there since my son was very young. I think it is still good - no bugs in it or that kind of thing. Its just that no one will eat it! I hate to throw away food and so I was wondering...can I give it to the chickens? Should I give it to them dry or mix it up? Any advice would be appreciated.

Farina is a cereal that is kind of like Malt-O-Meal Crem of Wheat that is often fed to children as a first food. I hope you all know what I am talking about because I don't know how else to describe it!

Try it. If they don't like it, they won't eat it.​

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