Can I get a Black Swedish from a Blue Swedish?


5 Years
Mar 17, 2019
South of DFW


We have a Blue Swedish hen, a Pekin hen, and had a Rouen and two Pekin drakes (the drakes are gone now).

Somehow, we ended up with 4 Black Swedish, 1 Blue Swedish, 2 Pekin, 1 Rouen, and 1 Rouen/Pekin looking ducklings.

My question is, how on earth did I end up with Black Swedish if we only have a Blue Swedish hen? Their ‘bibs’ are different too. The ducklings have bibs from their chin to their chest, but our hen only has it on her chest.
But we don’t have a Blue Swedish drake, only a Rouen and two Pekin drakes.
well that's interesting lol, Maybe coming from the rouen side them cause pekin they turned out white when it snuck in on the blue swede drake and his hens. That black one looks to be a drake lol looks like he's got that curl in the tail
well that's interesting lol, Maybe coming from the rouen side them cause pekin they turned out white when it snuck in on the blue swede drake and his hens
My only guess was that the Rouen was mixed. He was a little in the small side, but never had a bib or anything other than Rouen markings.
My only guess was that the Rouen was mixed. He was a little in the small side, but never had a bib or anything other than Rouen markings.
The drakes on swede side have bigger bibs, and see his head coloring that comes from the mallard lineage to get them , even true bred occasionally you'll see that sheen in the males heads when they mature if you end up with a black one though that hen chose the black swede drake, and boy was pretty was about equal, blue black and splash
The bib gene that Swedish carry is dominant (I believe) so if one parent was swedish, the duckling will have the bib. Your blue swedish also carries the black gene so could have passed this on as well. White (like your pekin) can cover lots of color genes. I forget how wild type works (which is what your rouen is). Bib shape is hard to breed for and can vary from bird to bird and also change some with each molt, so doesn't say much about parentage.
I just re-read your post, so it sounds as if you know the father was a pekin or rouen, so the ones with bibs are likely swedish/pekin cross or swedish/rouen cross, but they aren't acutally a blue swedish or black swedish pure bred, they just have that coloration

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