Can I give my 3 week old chicks some table scraps yet?


Walking my Chicken
Apr 22, 2020
I have 3 week old chick and I feel the urge to give them something other than chick feed. I was wondering if some table scraps would be okay? Also, if not, then can you give me some ideas on what to give them? Thank you! :)
Since they're still growing, most of their diet should be chick starter. If you want to give treats, they should be mostly protein or should be given in *very* small amounts. Any kind of finely chopped well cooked meat/eggs, live small insects like little grasshoppers will be high protein. While they're growing it's super important (though it's always important) that they have all the nutrients they need. Low-nutrient treats dilute the quality of feed. They can only eat so much, and if they spoil their appetites with treats, they won't get enough nutrients to grow up in the best health possible.
Citrus fruit, avacado peels, green tomatoes, chocolate onions, kidney beans.
Im sure there is more, citrus, avacado skin and kidney beans are biggies.:)
Also green potato peelings or those with eyes sprouting, and they shouldn't be allowed to munch on the plants or leaves of tomato plants in your garden if you have any. Also nothing moldy or spoiled.

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